It is not in the good times that character reveals itself. It is in the tough times. I firmly believe that fact — and the fact that so many of the recent revelations haven’t been all that pretty. Hasn’t each of us been witness to this over the past several weeks? We have seen troubling behavior from those who grab and hoard. I call them the “white knuckle shoppers.” I just wonder what makes them tick – so filled with fear and panic.
Yet, and this keeps me going, we have seen inspiring behavior from those who are calm, reflective and logical, generous and empathetic.
It is logic and common sense that will bring us out of this whole.
In an emergency, like this one, we rely on communications – quality communications. “I read on Twitter that…”, “I forgot who told me this, but …”, “my neighbor said that …” — why are so many of us reduced to gossips in this communication-critical time?
I have experienced otherwise educated, thoughtful, fact-based professionals relate that a 3-year-old in Harris County was infected with the coronavirus by his father and tragically passed away – FALSE. I was told that the incubation period for this new virus is 14 days – FALSE. I was told days ago that Harris County was going on lock-down over last weekend, better stock up – FALSE.
At Encore Caregivers, we are following developments from Centers for Disease Control, Harris County Public Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We do not relate stories of what we hear, what she said, what he swore happened or anything else that is not verified.
Everyone, please, take a deep breath, take what you hear with a grain of salt until you verify, verify, verify. As tempting as it is, don’t relate to others what a lady at the grocery store told you while waiting to check out or what you saw as a comment on a Facebook live presentation.
Conjecture and faux news are everywhere. Don’t be a purveyor.
We wish calm, peace and health for you and your family. Keep in mind that in uncharted waters, like those in which we find ourselves now, silence is sometimes the best call.