Are You Thinking Flu? You Should Be!

Are You Thinking Flu? You Should Be!

Influenza continues to spread illness across the country and flu-related hospitalization and death indicators have increased sharply in recent weeks with the heaviest toll on people 65 and older. The Center for Disease Control is urging seniors to seek treatment for...
Is It Alzheimer’s?

Is It Alzheimer’s?

Are you worried that it’s Alzheimer’s? Only a qualified doctor can conclude (and not with 100% certainty) that a living person has Alzheimer’s Disease, but the following are 8 tell-tale signs. If you see these symptoms in your loved one, consult your family doctor....
Long Term Care Insurance Experts At Your Service!

Long Term Care Insurance Experts At Your Service!

Lucky for Encore Caregivers clients, they have experts on their side. Not only does the company communicate with the client and the insurance company, but the staff can guide clients every step of the way. We know that our client’s inattention to details can result in...
America is aging! We can help!

America is aging! We can help!

The number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to more than double from 46 million today to over 98 million by 2060. We also know that 40% of adults aged 65+ need daily assistance. Who is there to help as America ages? Encore...
What our clients say about us:

What our clients say about us:

Our caregivers are well-trained, nice, friendly people. They are so thoughtful and take good care. Jody, Houston, TX 77056 Strong work ethic and genuine compassion – best care specialists and management by far! Sam, Houston, TX 77025 They were very responsive and...